对于自我on ego
对于身材on figure
对于金钱on money
对于美容on beauty
对于塑身on shaping
对于健康on health
对于欲望on lust
对于奢华on luxe
对于风格on style
对于品质on quality
对于爱情on love
对于生活on life
都是我致力追求的,all my pursuing and seeking
精疲力竭to dead beat
最后都还是不满意,never satisfied
人生下来就是不公平的。we were born to be unfair
别人轻易得到的,我要付出很大的代价才只是接近。Those who owns the talend I need a long way to get there
such as talent ,voice,legs,skinny gene
what if I was born in US UK Scandinavia,or Europe.
但是是时候回归地球了。but it's time to come back to the earth.
有的时候抱怨,要是生在荷兰或者瑞士就好,不费力就会说四国语言。sometimes I complain a little,
if I was in Nertherland or Swissland I would know at least 4langues without tutoring.
但是这些都是无法改变的残酷事实,Mais these are the unshakeable reality.
所以我努力学习,健身,改变想改变的,so I study hard,working out at gym,change whatever I want to change.
就算最后一事无成,这些 努力 也值得我骄傲。even if I achieved nothing in the end,such
endeavor is apreciated.
所以我跑我跳我喊我叫so I run I jump I yell I cry
知道自己想要什么,Knowing what you want
追寻复追寻的Daisy,standing here
this is my terre,
in my place
I am the King.