everything you wanted to know about sex

这个是在everything you wanted to know about sex 里面第一个故事小丑讲给国王的。
什么是black and white black and white black and white?
it's a falling nan on stairs.是从楼梯上滚下来的修女。
就像电影ANNNI HALL里小时候他妈妈和他说的。you always only saw the worst of people ,you never could get anyone along with anyone in school
you were always out of step of the world.even you got famous you still distrusted the world.是在说他自己,也是在说我。所以就是这句话让我铭记

i would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member."
that's the key joke of my adult life 。

当然我也是对学校深恶痛绝,we had a saying :"those who can't do,teach,and those who can't teach ,teach gym.and those who can't do anything,I think ,were assigned to our school.
I don't know ,I really don't dig it.
All the books on death and dying are yours and all the poetry books are mine."在电影里他只买有关死亡的书。不过借用我深爱的村上大人的名言就是:死亡不是独立的,而是作为生的一部分永存。我们都会变老,变腐朽,唯有死者永远年轻。
I didn't say I don't cry ,I cry a lot.but in between ,I choose to laugh,
cuz only by teasing myself can I accept my existense.
the feeling easily got fade away.
the reality is not that perfect.so people write,hoping in this way can come to a happying ending.
don't you dare think that comedy is superfacial.it's more thoughtful and painful.
such frustration hardly tell.
time and time again.
well,what's the point?



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